Seznam služi lahko tudi kot vir informacij, v kolikor iščete strokovne vire s kakšnega specifičnega
podpodročja tematike ločitve staršev. Večina strokovnih virov potem lahko najdete na spletu
(strokovni članki), večina knjig pa je na voljo na spletni strani

1. Splošne vsebine o temi ločitev staršev:



  1. Andrejč, A. (2018). Razveza staršev in otroci. Maribor: Kulturni center Maribor, zavod za umetniško produkcijo in založništvo.
  2. Ganc, D. (2015). Izzivi očetovstva. Sevnica: Družinski inštitut zaupanje.
  3. Končina Petrnel, M. (1998). Pomoč otrokom, ko starši odpovedo: družinskopravni vidik. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.
  4. McGhee, C. (2015) Vzgajati ločeno: Kako lahko ločeni in razvezani starši vzgojijo srečne in brezskrbne otroke. Višnja Gora: Svetovalno izobraževalni center MIT d.o.o.
  5. Zrakić, Đ. (2000). Vsi me imajo radi, samo oče ne. Koper: Ognjišče.


  1. Constance, R. A. (1994). The Good Divorce: Keeping Your Family Together When Your Marriage Comes Apart. New York: Harper Collins Publishers.
  2. Baker, A. J. L. & Andre, K. C. Getting Through My Parents Divorce: A Workbook for Children Coping with Divorce, Parental Alienation, and Loyalty Conflicts. Canada, 2015.
  3. Bonnell, K. (2014). The Co-parenting Handbook. Sasquatch Books: Seatle.
  4. Deal, R. L. (2002). The Smart Step-Family: Seven Steps to a Healthy Family. Minnesota: Bethany House Publisher.
  5. Fisher, B. & Fisher, R. (1999). Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends.
  6. Folberg, J. (1991). Joint Custody & Shared Parenting. New York: A division of Guilford Publications.
  7. Galper, M. (1980). Joint Custody & Co-Parenting: Sharing Your Child Equaly. New Yersey: Port City.
  8. Gardner, R. A. (1970). The Boys and Girls Book About Divorce. Livingston: Jason Aronson.
  9. James, P. (1997). The Divorce Mediation Hadbook: Everything You Need to Know. California: Jossey-Bass Inc.
  10. McGoldrick, M. (1995). You can go home again: Reconnecting with your family. USA: Norton Paperback.
  11. Pease Gadua, S. (2008). Contemplating Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide to Deciding Wherher to Stay or Go. Oukland: New Harbinger Publications.
  12. Rohner, R. & Khaleque, A. (2005). Handbook for the Study of Parental Acceptance and Rejection, Fourth Edition. USA: Rohner Researh Publications.
  13. Štadler, A., Žikič, A. S., Borucky, V., Lipnik, A. K., Černetič, M., Perpar, I. & Valenčak, K. (2009). Otrok in ločitev staršev: Da bi odrasli lažje razumeli otroke. Ljubljana: Otroci d.o.o.
  14. Todd, K. J. & Barros, N. (1995). Parenting Through Divorce: The Lasting Effects. Phoenix: Motivo Publishing Company.
  15. Wallerstein, J. S. & Blakeslee, S. (2003). What about the kids? New York: Hyperion.
  16. Wallerstein, J. S., Lewis, J. M. in Blakeslee, S. (2000). The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 year landmark study. New York: Hyperion.
  17. Woodhouse, V., Collins, V. F. & Blakemann, M. C. (2011). Divorce & Money: how to make the best financial decisions during divorce. Californiua: Emily Doskow.


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  3. Rohner, P. R. Introduction to Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection Theory (IPARTheory), Methods, Evidence, and Implications. Inoversity of Connecticut, 2016.

2. Starševsko odtujevanje


  1. Baker, A. J. & Sauber, S. R. (2013). Working with Alienated Children and Families: A Clinical Guidebook. New York: Routledge.
  2. Clawar, S. S. & Rivlin, B. V. (2013). Children Held Hostage: Identifying Brainwashed Children, Presenting a Case, and Crafting Solutions. Illnois: American Bar Association.
  3. Gardner, R. A. (1992). The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A guide for a mental health professionals. Creative Therapeutics, Inc.
  4. Gardner, R. A. (1989). Family Evaluation in Child Custody Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation. New Jersey: Creative Therapeutics.
  5. Lorandos, D., Bernet, W. in , Sauber, S. R. (2013). Parental Alienation: The Handbook for Mental Health and Legal Professionals. Illinois: Charels C Thoams.
  6. Singler, M. T. (2003). Cults in our Midst. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  7. Warshak, R. A. (2010). Divorce Poison: How to protect family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing. New York: HelperCollins Publisher.


  1. Avtor neznan. Brainwashing and Programming: Definitional Perspectives, Levelsof Awarness and Stages.
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  6. Bernet, W. & Baker, A. J. L. (2013). Parental Alienation, DSM-5, and ICD-11: Response to Critics. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, 42 (1) 98 –104.
  7. Bernet, W., Gregory, N., Reay, K. M., & Rohner, R. P. (2017). An Objective Measure of Splitting in Parental Alienation: The Parental Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 1-8. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13625.
  8. Bernet, W., Wamboldt, M. Z., Narrow, W. E. Child Affected by Parental Relationship Distress. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Volume 55, Number 7, July 2016.
  9. Broca, R & Odinetz, O. (2016). Parental alienation as abuse of weakness. Cronuque sociale, Legal deposit.
  10. Gaiman, M. (2008). Smoke and Mirrors: The devastating Effect of False Sexual Abuse Claims. Chapter 2: The  Origins of False Allegations.
  11. Gans Walters, M. & Friedlander, S. (2016). When a Child Rejects a Parent: Working with the Intractable Resist/Refuse Dynamic. Family Court Review, Vo. 54, No. 3, 424 – 445.
  12. Gardner, A. R. (2001). Should Courts Order PAS Children to Visit/Reside with the Alienated Parent? A Follow-up Study. The American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2001, 19(3): 61-106.
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  14. Gottlieb Kase, L. (2015). Even Foster Children Do Not Reject a Parent.
  15. Harman, J. J. & Kruk, E. Parental Alienationg Behaviors: An Unacknowledged Form of Family Violence. Psychological Bulletin, 2018, Vol. 144, No. 12, 1275-1299.
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  17. Hunter, E. (1951). Brainwashing in Red China: Chapter 1. New York: Vanguard Press.
  18. Kelly, B. K & Johnson, J. R. The Alienated Child: A Reformulation of Parental Alienation Syndrome. Family Court Review, 2001.
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  22. Mercer, J. (2019). Are intensive parental alienation Treatments effective and safe for children and adolescents? Journal of Child Custody.
  23. Parnell, Y., Vanbetlehem, J. & Rand, R. (2018) Working with alienating parents. Conference presentation: Tasmania: 17. – October.
  24. Rand, R. (2014). Work Product: Cults – and Parental Alienation –Draft.
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  28. Templer, K., Cox, R. G., Matthewson, M. (2016). Recommendations for best practice in response to parental alienation: findings from a systematic review. Journal for Family Therapy; 10.1111/1467-6427.12137.
  29. Walters, M. G. & Friedlander, S. (2016). When a child rejects a parent: Working with the intractable resist/refuse dynamic. Family Court Review, Vol. 54, No. 3, 424-445.
  30. Warshak, R. & Otis, M. (2010): Helping alienated children with Family bridges: practice, research and the pursuit of »humbition«. Family court review. Vol. 48 No. 1, 91 – 97.
  31. Warshak, R. (2015b). Parental Alienation: Overview, Management, Intervention, and Practice Tips. Journal of American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Vol. 28: 181-248.
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3. Sodno izvedenstvo


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